Warm sun, cool breeze, bright flowers, there are so many things to love about spring! But unfortunately, spring can also bring sneezing, a runny nose, and itchy eyes.
Being outside enjoying the beautiful weather, participating in outdoor activities and exploring nature, are all great for overall health. But if building occupants suffer with allergies or asthma, it is especially important for them to have a place to recover and feel safe. Most people believe going indoors will protect them from allergens and toxins, but that is not necessarily true. Indoor air can be up to 50 times more polluted than outdoor air. Every time windows and doors in our buildings are opened, we are welcoming in those allergens. Most Americans spend 1/3 of their life at work so, as you can imagine, it is just as important to have commercial building’s air quality as clean as it should be at home, if not more so. Designing and providing a safe work environment is crucial for success and necessarily important to building owners. Our manufacturer partner, Camfil, understands the value of clean air and how this can directly affect building occupants.
Benefits of Camfil’s indoor air purifiers:
· Removes harmful dust and particles from the air. Giving building occupants a place to escape and recover from allergies, while staying focused on daily projects.
· Removes allergens and environmental toxins. Improving overall indoor environments will support productivity and especially help those that struggle with allergies to have a safe place to go to work.
· Helps reduce the chance of infections produced by dust, particles, pollution, gases and odors. Keeping building occupants healthy will maximize business.
Click Here to view Camfil’s air filters for allergen reduction.
Contact your local salesperson for more information on the best air purifier for your building projects.