HVAC design engineers have a lot on their plates. Not only do they have to have an in-depth systems knowledge, they also need to understand the system impacts and requirements of every single piece of commercial HVAC equipment that composes the system. We love it when manufacturers make a piece of that understanding just a bit easier.
Price offers a free engineer toolkit that loads performance calculations right into Excel on your desktop. The toolkit covers water coils, grilles, registers, diffusers, and terminal units. It even offers a handy competitor cross-reference so you can be sure that the equipment you're selecting meets the design specifications you need.
Take a look at the videos below to see a quick overview of how the Price Engineer Toolkit can save design engineers time and frustration in selecting water coils, grilles, diffusers and terminal units.
Water coils..
Grilles, registers, and diffusers...
Terminal units...
And find convenient information about Price competitors...
If you need more information about the Price Engineer Toolkit or if you just need a little outside assistance in appropriately sizing and selecting the right equipment for your application, contact your local sales rep. They should have experts on staff to help you in every step of your project.