3816 Patterson St Greensboro, NC 27407 23
8AM to 5PM - Monday - Friday
Closed Saturday and Sunday
We offer 24/7 emergency repair service
Stock Warehouse
Replacement Parts
Consultation / Evaluation:
The global pandemic has left us reeling in so many ways. But I’m a silver-lining kind of person and I believe that not everything related to the...
It’s the middle of February, and that means that love is in the air. Love for your significant other, love for your pets, love for your friends, and...
It’s 2021, and it’s time to focus on all of the good things that make the world a better place. We may be a bit biased, but one thing that is often...
Every single commercial building contains an impressive infrastructure that many building occupants take for granted. The facilities team manages not...
Main Office
3816 Patterson St Greensboro, NC 27407
8AM to 5PM – Monday through Friday
Closed Saturday and Sunday
We offer 24/7 emergency repair service
Main Office
Stock Warehouse
Replacement Parts
Consultation / Evaluation:
Hoffman & Hoffman, Inc., Hoffman Building Technologies, Inc., Hoffman Mechanical Solutions, Inc., and Heat Transfer Sales, LLC, are separate legal entities.